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篇名 資優女生科學文本閱讀理解歷程之探究
卷期 128
並列篇名 The Study of Comprehension Process of the Gifted Girls when Reading Scientific Texts
作者 于曉平吳育雅
頁次 015-024
關鍵字 科學文本資優女生閱讀理解歷程scientific textsgifted girlsprocess of reading comprehension
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.2013.128.15-24




This research tried to explore the comprehension process of the gifted girls when they read scientific textbook. Through peer dialogue and qualitative analysis, the study explored the analysis methods that could understand the gifted girls scientific reading comprehension process and to understand the thinking context and problems been faced in reading. According to the results, it was found students lacked many backgrounds when they tried to read the science textbooks, and took too much time to verify the basic knowledge. Then, when they read scientific texts, they also had some problems such as paradox, guessing, misusage, reduction, and unsuitable inference. It was also found the concept mapping and cooperative learning were nice strategies that could help student understand the relationship about many concepts and clarified the missing ideas. Finally, giving some suggestions we proposed for educator’s reference.
