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篇名 我國八人制拔河運動成績優良學生升學輔導現況之研究
卷期 2012
並列篇名 The Study of Current Counsel Entering School for Tug of War Elite Athletics
作者 徐政通高幸利李德仁
頁次 079-092
關鍵字 八人制拔河運動績優生甄審甄試升學輔導Tuf of WarElite AthleticCounsel Entering SchoolEntering School Test
出刊日期 201211




The study was used the documentary analysis to analyses middle school and vocational high schools students who had qualify to enter schools without pass general entering examinations during year of 2009 to 2012. Moreover, the study was tried to analysis the current status of recruit list in every school. After carefully review the references and documents the results are made as following: A. Entering school without general entering examination was provide the athletics another way for higher education. It is also persuaded the coaches, parents, and school to provide more specific power to promote the sport of tug of war. B. 2009 to 2012 junior high school students was the Admission Evaluation number of people is 112, and increased year by year, the screening test 71 is not fixed, but the enrollment quota. C. 2009 to 2012 high school students was Admission Evaluation number of people is 157, the screening test for 80 quota of the Admission Evaluation steady growth, but the screening test declining trend. D. The 2009-2012 schools accept Admission Evaluation and screening test, accounted 2% of high schools; universities and colleges accounted 10%, affecting the tug-of-war athletes further studies. E. Suggestions that the Ministry of Education high school to university to retain accreditation and individual enrollment increased the University competitive level and the development of school characteristics; deliberations on competition system, avoid strong Hengqiang, increase in general players the opportunity.

