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篇名 我國運動賽會管理期刊論文研究趨勢之探討
卷期 2012
並列篇名 A research trend discussion of sports competition managerial journal in Taiwan
作者 張嘉平施瑩悌
頁次 101-112
關鍵字 運動競賽運動賽事運動管理sports competitionSports eventsSports Management
出刊日期 201211


本研究主要目的係分析2002年至2011年間,國內具審查發行制度,評比第一級之體育、運動學術期刊所刊登之運動賽會管理期刊論文。體育運動管理學門在近年來廣受我國相關研究領域之重視,因此本研究透過內容分析法及文件分析法,探討過去迄今十年以來,關於運動賽會管理領域期刊論文之數量、主題分佈、研究方法及統計方法等研究趨勢。經由相關數據之整理,並透過統計分析的方法,作為對過往研究之瞭解, 藉以提供後續研究之參酌。


This study aims at analyzing the sports competition management articles that were published through both a censored publishing system and first grade sports academic journal between 2002 and 2011. Sports management has recently become significant in related research area. Therefore, this study applied content analysis and document analysis to discuss its quantity, themes, research method and accounting method. Through the organized related data and the application of accounting analysis as a supportive method, the final results are served as a reference to previous and future studies.

