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篇名 國中生體適能與學業成績關係之研究
卷期 2012
並列篇名 The Research of the Junior High School Fitness and Academic Achievement
作者 陳煒銘
頁次 165-178
關鍵字 國中生體適能學業成績Junior High Schoolphysical fitnessacademic performance
出刊日期 201211




The purpose of this study is to know the physical fitness condition of the seventh grade students in one junior high school in Hsinchu, and to discuss the relationship between physical fitness scores and academic performance. The subjects of this study are 755 students, including 395 boys and 362 girls. The testing items are based on the norm of physical fitness issued by Ministry of Education, including body mass index (BMI), the sit-bending, the standing long jump, 1minute sit-up, and 800m or 1600m running. The testing grades will be changed into scores by the norm of physical fitness. The academic performance is the scores in the language filed and the mathematics filed in the first semester of 2011, and the collected data is analyzed by SPSS to discuss the relationship. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1.in BMI, 27% of boys are overweight, more than 17.4% of girls, 2.20.5% of girls are underweight, significantly more than 13% of boys. Schools and parents should pay more attention to whether the boys’ nutrition is over, and whether the girls’ is not enough. More than 60% of the students’ scores of four other fitness items-the sit-bending, the standing long jump, 1minute sit-ups, and 800m or 1600m running eached PR 25 based on the norm issued by Ministry of Education. The correlation of the physical fitness and academic performance is analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient. The results are as followed: 1.the correlation of the boys’ physical fitness and the language scores (r=.161, p<.01), the correlation of the boys’ physical fitness and the mathematics scores (r=.198, p<.01). 2.the correlation of the girls’ physical fitness and the language scores (r=.154,p<.01), the correlation of the boys’ physical fitness and the mathematics scores (r=.107,p<.05). They are all significantly correlative. Especially, the correlation coefficient of the boys’ physical fitness and mathematics scores is the highest. The correlation of the boys’ and girls’ physical fitness and the language scores (r=.227, p<.01),and the correlation of the boys’ and girls’ physical fitness and the mathematics scores (r=.243, p<.01) are also significantly correlative. The result of this study is that the boys and the girls with good physical fitness do well in academic performance.

