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篇名 國中體育班經營現況及其困境之個案研究
卷期 2012
並列篇名 A Case Study of the Management on the Current Status, and the Impediments for the Athletic Classes of Junior High Schools
作者 蔡佳臻楊宗文
頁次 179-192
關鍵字 運動教練升學主義半結構式訪談sports coachesthe Education RushSemi-structured Interviews
出刊日期 201211


本研究旨在探討國中體育班之經營現況及其困境;研究方法採用文件分析法與半結構式訪談法,針對桃園縣某國中2 位體育班教師進行訪談,取得個案之相關資料加以歸納分析,得到結果如下:一、體育班經營現況在學生來源方面充足,也有合適的運動教練,在場地設施方面也相當充足且完備,經費方面除了學校的編列預算外,家長會也提供獎勵金,使學校體育班經營順利;二、體育班所面臨之困境為升學主義觀念影響體育班發展、教練工作負荷量大、學生課業及生活輔導困難。


The study mainly focuses on the analysis of the Management on the current status, and the impediments for the athletic classes of junior high schools. Data were collected by document analysis and interviews with school teachers. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. the athletic classes operating status of the students is sufficient, and having appropriate sports coaches. The venues and facilities are adequate and complete. On the funding, in addition to the school enlisted budget, the Parents' Association will provide incentives, make the athletic classes are operating smoothly; 2. the predicament of the athletic classes including the education rush, coaches large workload, and the students’ schoolwork and life counseling difficulties.

