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篇名 寒暑期體育育樂營之探討-以國立體育大學為例
卷期 2012
並列篇名 Discussion of the sports recreational camps organized by National Taiwan Sport University
作者 洪啟成楊進益
頁次 201-214
關鍵字 育樂營營隊體育recreation campscampssports
出刊日期 201211




Under the push of our sports policy, sports policy in schools at all levels in recent years are organized sports recreational camps, National Taiwan Sport University was no exception. National Taiwan Sport University Extention Center Of The Physical Education, in 2008, the year after handling summers daycare and summer and winter period sports education camp, also from the initial echelon of 2012 increase for the four echelon, this paper hopes through literatureof of the National Taiwan Sport University of Physical Recreation camp performance, combination of SWOT analysis and 4P make relevant recommendations to allow National Taiwan Sport University Extention Center Of The Physical Education or similar camp as a reference, in order to achieve the sports recreational camps camp Sustainable management operation and improvement goals.

