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篇名 跑出健康-老年人慢跑運動之探討
卷期 2012
並列篇名 Run for health – An Investigation of the elderly jogging
作者 魏翊如藍孝勤
頁次 235-248
關鍵字 老年人規律運動休閒活動成功老化慢跑ElderlyRegular exerciseLeisure activitiesSuccessful agingJogging
出刊日期 201211




Aging that can’t be avoided, in the aging process the most important is to increase the useful life of health, physical activity is the key to maintaining a healthy. Many medical literature to support elderly do recreational sports. Appropriate recreational sports can promote blood circulation, improve the functioning of the body, reduce the incidence of the disease, slow aging, enhance the quality of life. In this study, through literature analysis method to explore the benefits and principles of jogging for elderly. Jogging does not require a special space, equipment, and there is no time limit. Planning exercise program step by step in accordance with their own physical condition. Jogging for the elderly there are substantial help in the physiological, psychological, interpersonal and quality of life. Regular exercise, jogging become part of life, achieve successful aging, to enjoy a healthy and merry life.

