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篇名 試論我國休閒運動之阻礙因素
卷期 2012
並列篇名 A Study of Recreational Sports and Leisure Constraints in Taiwan
作者 許馨云
頁次 261-274
關鍵字 休閒活動參與休閒阻礙Leisure ParticipationLeisure Constraints
出刊日期 201211


隨著國民生活品質的提高、健康意識的抬頭,以及政府周休二日之政策的實施,藉由休閒運動的參與來紓解生活上的壓力則越來越被重視。不同的群體對於休閒運動參與之狀況也因為許多不同的阻礙因素,而影響了他們在休閒運動之參與。本文用文獻分析的方式來探討休閒運動之阻礙因素,主要想了解我國國民在休閒運動方面所遭遇到的阻礙因素,希望藉由了解這些阻礙因素可以改善人們在從事休閒運動之行為。在本研究所得到之結論為, 成年女性之休閒阻礙大於男性,主要是因為時間、及家庭之影響:在於學童方面,在性別上沒有顯著之影響,但是會因為家庭之社經地位以及地區性的差異,而影響學童在休閒運動之參與;而青少年及大專學生則會因為社團及同伴因素, 進而影響休閒運動之參與, 女學生之影響因素更是顯著。


With the improvement of our life quality, the rise of health awareness, and the weekends implementation of the government policies, It’s paid attention by people to the participation in recreational sports in order to relieve the daily stress. There are many different reasons for different groups on leisure constraints, and the situations will effect their participation in recreational sports. In this study use Documentary Analysis to explore the recreational sports of leisure constraints. Mainly want to understand the leisure constraints encountered by Taiwan nationals in recreational sports. In the conclusion of this research is that adult women of leisure constraints is bigger than men, primarily because of the time, and the impact of the family. There is no significant affect of gender in students ,but because of the family's socioeconomic status, the differences of areas, and it will affect the students in participate in recreational sports. Teenagers and college students will be affected the participation in recreational sports because of community groups and companions factors and the impact factors of female students is more significant.

