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篇名 臺北市草根足球之個案分析
卷期 2012
並列篇名 Grassroots Football in Taipei:A Case Study of Taipei Crystal Football League
作者 張顒士謝凱軒
頁次 309-324
關鍵字 五力分析草根全民運動SWOT分析five forces analysisGrassrootssport for allSWOT analysis
出刊日期 201211


我國為了更健全全民運動的發展,在2010年提出了打造運動島計畫。期透過「運動健身激勵」、「運動樂趣快易通」、「運動社團建置輔導」及「運動樂活島推動」等四大專案,促成潛在性運動人口成為自發性運動人口、個別型運動人口成為團體型運動人口,並擴增規律運動人口等目的,讓臺灣成為運動島之願景。其中運動社團建置方案之運動社團乃屬自發性之運動社團。但當自發性運動社團自行組織比賽時與單項協會間的競合、場地的使用權利、組織運作比賽經費來源的問題,該採用什麼行銷策略來因應以求維持競爭之優勢?為本研究之目的。本研究以自發性運動社團間組成的臺北水晶聯賽(以下簡稱水晶聯賽)為研究對象,採用訪談法取得相關資料後,佐以Porter(1980)的五力分析、Hill & Jones(1995)的競爭優勢四基石分析其外部、內部環境後,以SWOT分析法分析並研擬出四個面向的行銷策略,並希望以上四個面向之行銷策略有利主辦單位未來發展之參考。


This paper try to find the situation and difficult of Taipei Crystal Football League in 2011-2012 season. And try to find strategies to the league manager to solve it. The method is use interview to league manager and two staffs. Through the interview and search Crystal Football League official website to find information. Finally use the Porter five forces analysis, Four generic building blocks (Efficiency, Quality, Innovation, Customer Response) analysis, SWOT analysis to analysis those information and try to find the best strategies . It shows the league manager must be let his club become a corporation. And try hard in their Strengths, find more fild, and try to social with other corporations. To avoid others competitors. In the end of this paper, I suggest that we can keep on research the grassroots football in the other county of Taiwan or the other grassroots sports club.

