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篇名 觀光夜市對體驗行銷與顧客滿意度忠誠之探討-以士林夜市與寧夏為例
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Investigation of Experience Marketing, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of Tourism Night Market:Shihlin Night Market and Ningxia Night Market for Examples
作者 馮惠珊余惠芳曾梓昇
頁次 001-019
關鍵字 觀光夜市體驗行銷顧客滿意度顧客忠誠度Tourism Night MarketExperience MarketingCustomer Loyalty
出刊日期 201503


「夜市」是台灣夜生活中的一項特色,最能代表台灣的庶民美食文化,亦最吸引國際觀光客,因而常被列為觀光景點之首選。為了瞭解現代夜市與傳統夜市之間的差異性,本文特別針對位於台北捷運站旁的士林夜市(現代觀光夜市)與寧夏夜市(傳統觀光夜市),以體驗行銷模組分析方式,探討兩個夜市的顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度及消費族群的差異。本文之問卷方式係採一對一訪談及網路問卷。其中,士林夜市回收了247份有效問卷;寧夏夜市回收了263份有效問卷。文中之實證分析,主要採用SWOT分析、信度分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析及Pearson相關分析等五項分析,進行各變數的差異性及相關性檢定。 由信度實證分析結果顯示:士林夜市在體驗行銷中只有感官體驗不可信,其餘四項皆為可信,且顧客滿意度與忠誠度皆為可信;寧夏夜市則在體驗行銷中感官體驗與思考體驗為不可信,其餘三項皆為可信,顧客滿意度與忠誠度亦皆為可信。由人口統計變數對顧客滿意度實證分析結果顯示:士林夜市在性別、月收入、居住地為顯著,其餘皆為不顯著;寧夏夜市則在性別、年齡、月收入、婚姻為顯著,其餘皆為不顯著。由人口統計變數對體驗行銷實證分析結果顯示:兩夜市對年齡、學歷皆為不顯著,其餘為少部分顯著,此結果顯示男女老少不分階級皆願意到兩夜市消費。由人口統計變數對顧客忠誠度實證分析結果顯示:士林夜市在月收入、居住地為顯著,其餘皆為不顯著;寧夏夜市在月收入為顯著,其餘皆為不顯著。由Pearson相關分析結果顯示:在體驗行銷模組對顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度,皆呈中度正相關。本文之研究成果可供國內觀光夜市之永續發展參考使用。


"Night Market" is a feature of nightlife in Taiwan. It is not only the most representative of food culture of the Taiwan's common people, but also the most attractive to international tourists, so it is often as the preferred tourist attractions. The module of experience marketing was used to analyze and investigate the customer satisfaction, the customer loyalty and the consumer groups’ differences between these two night markets. Questionnaire used in this paper included one-by-one interviews and internet questionnaires. Among them, Shihlin night market recovered 247 effective questionnaires; Ningxia Night Market recovered 263 effective questionnaires. Five empirical analysis methods such as SWOT analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample T test, ANOVA analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were used in this paper to perform the variables difference analysis and the correlation test. The results of reliability analysis have shown: For Shilin Night Market, only the sensory experience is non-credible and the remaining four items are all credible and the customer satisfaction and loyalty are all credible. For Ningxia Night Market, the sensory experience and the thinking experience are non-credible experience and the remaining three items are all credible and the customer satisfaction and loyalty are all credible. The results of demographic variables on customer satisfaction analysis have shown: For Shihlin night market, the gender, the income and the place of residence are significant and the rest are not significant. For Ningxia Night Market, the gender, the marital status, the age and the monthly income are significant and the rest are not significant. The results of demographic variables on customer loyalty analysis have shown: For Shihlin night market, the monthly income and the place of residence are significant and the rest are not significant. For Ningxia Night Market, the monthly income is significant and the rest are not significant. The results of Pearson correlation analysis have shown: The customer satisfaction and the customer loyalty are highly positively correlated with the moderate experience marketing modules. The research results of this paper could be referenced for sustainable development of the domestic tourism night market.
