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篇名 製鞋業勞工作業環境有害物暴露現況研究
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 The Study in Expoure of Hazardous Substances for Footwear Industry Workplaces
作者 顏慶堂鄭政峯李聯雄鄭淑芳
頁次 313-323
關鍵字 製鞋業作業環境測定有害物健康暴露Footwear industryWorkplace monitoringHazardous substancesHealth hazard
出刊日期 201412




Footwear industry introduces the technology and produce in Taiwan since 1966. Based on the industry-rectifi cation information issued in 2011 in the website, there were 464 companies belonged to manufacturers after revision. Labor in the production process will use a lot of chemicals, so workers will be exposed to chemical factors in health exist. According to the collection from international journals published, the most studied hazardous substances in the workplaces of footwear industries were as in the order of n-hexane, toluene, benzene, and acetone; and the most noticeable employee health endangerment were as in the order of neurological diseases and leukemia. For the chemical status of transfer factor research the health of workers exposed for the footwear industry to improve worker health hazard prevention and important basis for policy development. In this study fourteen organic solvents probably used in the footwear production including toluene, xylene, hexane, methyl cyclohexane, cyclohexane, methylene chloride, ethyl benzene, 1,2,3- trimethylbenzene, benzene, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone and styrene, were examined by gas chromatographic-fl ame ionization detector analysis with two elution conditions. In the workplace monitoring, 47 samples were collected from fi ve footwear manufacturers for workplace monitoring.Results indicated that the concentration of xylenes, ethylbenzene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, benzene and styrene in all samples were non-detectable or below detection limits. Butyl acetate and methyl cyclohexane were found in the sample from a factory. Toluene, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone and n-hexane were the most often detectable organic solvents both in the samples and in the manufacturers. Cyclohexane and methylene chloride were used for special purposes. From the individual inspection of these fourteen solvents in the footwear workplace, exposures of workers from all of these solvents were in compliance with the allowable concentrations in our regulations. In considering the additive effects of harmful exposure, they still made compliance with the permissible exposure limits, only two employees in one company the exposure concentrations of toluene were over 1/2 permissible exposure limits. From the results of inspection visits and workplace monitoring in this studies, we would like to give some suggestions, such as strengthening the advocacy work for labor safety and health to footwear manufacturers, claiming employers to strengthen security setups with operation training, to perform workplace monitoring, and to install ventilation equipments with well-management, in addition to the inspection and management of workers’ health.
