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篇名 國內感電類型之重大職業災害分析
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 The Analysis of Electrocution at Workplaces in Taiwan
作者 蘇文源
頁次 389-410
關鍵字 感電職業災害工作場所ElectrocutionOccupational injuryWorkplace
出刊日期 201412


本文分析台灣地區96年至100年間工作場所感電重大職業災害之原因、設施缺失與違反法 規情形,最後依誤觸高壓電、誤觸低壓電、電器設備漏電、承攬台電外線工程及電焊機感電 等,分別提出其未來預防對策。 經由分析96年至100年之感電類型重大職業災害,其主要發現:1. 電路及管路工程業最 多,佔37.58%;2. 發生最多場所為梯子上作業,佔23.03%;3. 電氣人員最多,佔35.56%;4. 觸電部位最主要為手部,佔73.33%;5. 媒介物以輸配電線路最多,佔48.48%;6. 電壓等級以 220V為最多,佔44.85%,另低壓(600V以下)佔75.76%;7. 直接觸電比間接觸電(漏電) 多,佔63.64%;8 .誤觸高壓電,以移動式起重機碰觸高壓裸電線最多,佔全部之28.57%。;9. 誤觸低壓電,以裝(拆)電線作業,碰觸低壓裸露電線最多,佔64.62%;10. 漏電以電動機具 最多,佔60.38%。


This paper analyzed the causes, defective facilities, and violations of rules in major occupational electrocution injuries which occurred between 2007 and 2011 at workplace in Taiwan. Finally, we provided future strategies for reducing electrocution injuries caused by contact with high-voltage electricity, contact with low-voltage electricity, leakage of electricity in electrical equipment, contracting of line work for the Taiwan Power Co., and working with welding machines. The main findings from the analysis of occupational electrocution injuries which occurred between 2007 and 2011 are: 1. the main industry involved was the electrical and piping engineering industry, which accounted for 37.58% of all injuries; 2. the main scene of the injuries was on ladders, which ocuupied 23.03%; 3. the main category of workers involved was electrician, making up 35.56%; 4. the main contact point on the bodies of injury workers was the hand, which ocuupied 73.33%; 5. the main energized object with which workers came in contact was the electrical line, accounting for 48.48%; 6. the main voltage was 220V, making up 44.85%, and low voltages (less than 600V) accounted for 75.76%; 7. the incidence of direct contact was greater than indirect contact (electrical leakage), making up 63.64%; 8. mobile cranes accounted for the greatest portion of contact with highvoltage electricity, with 28.57%; 9. the installation or removal of electrical lines occurred largely of contact with low-voltage electricity, occupying 64.62% of the total; and 10. the main types of equipment causing electrical leakage were equipment with electric motor, accounting for 60.38%.
