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篇名 高中優質化輔助方案實施成效—以Stake 回應式評鑑模式為例
卷期 10
並列篇名 The Evaluation of the Senior High School Enhancing Quality Program Based on Stake’s Responsive Evaluation Model
作者 林素卿陳燕萍
頁次 079-099
關鍵字 高中優質化輔助方案方案評鑑回應式評鑑模式Senior High School Enhancing Quality Programprogram evaluationresponsive evaluation model
出刊日期 201402


本研究旨在應用R. E. Stake 的回應式評鑑模式,評鑑個案高中優質化輔助方案實施之 成效。經由利害關係人溝通對話後,發現「社區深耕方案」為該校推動優質化方案中較具 特色的計畫,故將此子計畫列為評鑑範圍。採用訪談、問卷調查、觀察、文件分析等方法 蒐集評鑑的資料。評鑑結果發現推動社區深耕方案的影響,包括:(一)能增加學生的自信、 增廣視野、擴展對文化的關懷、有助於升學與就業;(二)有助於學校落實傳承古蹟文化的 理念,結合在地文化,行銷學校的特色。(三)有利於古蹟文化之傳承與推廣,喚起政府 的重視。此方案的困境包括:文史工作者對於古蹟文化的認知不同、外聘指導老師時間有 限、學生難兼顧社團與課業、決策面臨轉型。


The purpose of this case study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Senior High School Enhancing Quality Program by applying Stake’s responsive evaluation model at a senior high school in central Taiwan. There were several sub-projects of the Senior High School Enhancing Quality Program in the case school. After communicating with some stakeholders of the program, the authors and the stakeholders decided to evaluate the sub-project titled “community cultivation—the club of historic ruins explanation”. The data collection and analysis in this study combined both qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews, observation, document analysis, and survey. The research found that the school carried out the project of community cultivation—the club of historic ruins explanation which resulted in the following impacts: 1. students who participated in this project enhanced their confidence, broadened their horizon, and expended their concern for culture. 2. It helped the school to pass on the culture related to historic ruins to next generation and to advertise school characteristics combing local culture. 3. It evoked the government to care about historic ruins and to spread the culture. However, there were some barriers to implement the project of community cultivation—the club of historic ruins explanation including disagreements for historic ruins explanation, time limitation, and policy transformation. Based on the findings, the suggestions for administration authority and the school were made in this study.
