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篇名 從香港某家庭暴力庇護中心服務~反思台灣家暴庇護安置 中心作為
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Reflecting on the Practices of Taiwan’s Family Violence Victim’s Shelters through Some Lessons Learned from a Center for Family Violence Victims in Hong Kong
作者 黃淑鈴
頁次 113-130
關鍵字 庇護所生態系統觀一站通Sheltering centerEco-systemic viewOne-stop
出刊日期 201507


台灣家暴法即將進入第三個10年,本文旨為與世界其他國家保護性社工服務接軌,探索台灣「庇護所」保護性原型,是否在消除性別歧視、尊重多元性別的社會環境,有破除「暴力循環」的可能。借鏡香港依其文化多樣性生態環境建構庇護所「一站通」發展安全網絡經驗,反思台灣庇護所的現行服務體系結構,如何隨著國內社會政策的改變與本土化需求,找服務立足點。 本文透過實地工作與觀察,進入香港某慈善型機構所設置的庇護所,瞭解政府如何運用組織在地優勢,以公私協力建構反暴力整合服務系統等方案脈絡。洞見香港反暴力服務網,以生態系統觀為核心概念,從鉅視面規劃整合式服務,著重微視個案管理服務;直接服務起點以個案為中心,從庇護所啟動服務系統,滿足案主需求規劃多層次社會工作,從危機介入、問題解決到尊重與培力。 研究發現,未來庇護所必面對多變的世界與福利政策改革,以調適傳統與現代間多元文化差異與衝突,提供尊重多元差異與人權正義的新作為。


This article aims to explore if Taiwan’s family violence victims’ sheltering system works well on eliminating sexual discrimination, respecting social-cultrual pluralism, and hence contributes to break down the ‘violence cycle’ that exists in family violence cases after the passage of Family Violence Prevention Law 10 years ago. To this end, a reflective investigation into the practical experiences of a Hong Kong family violence victims’ sheltering center becomes a vantage point. This article first explores the marco-level context of family violence victims supporting system in Hong Kong, including the governmental policies, integrated anti-violence service system, the organizational advantages of social service institutes. It then takes up with the center’s core philosophy, integrated planning, and its specific client-centered service providing model. The finding of fieldwork is twofold. First, an eco-systemic view on the community social work and certain process innovations such as one-stop interface contribute positively both to the center’s efficiency and the satisfaction of its clients. Second, the neo-liberalization of social welfare policies and cultural diversification pose a serious pressure for both Taiwan and Hong Kong family violence victims’ shelters to adopt.
