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篇名 我國少年性侵害被害人報案因素之研究
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 The Research of Reporting Factors of adolescent sexual assault victims in Taiwan
作者 王燦槐
頁次 131-154
關鍵字 少年性侵害被害人報案因素社工諮詢Adolescent rape victimsrape reporting factorssocial workers’ consultations
出刊日期 201507




5 Professor, Institute of Law and Government, National Central University; Doctor of Sociology, University of Hawaii. Submitted:2015.04.18; Accepted:2015.07.30 This research is based on the economic analyses of rape reporting by Allen (2007), which explained the factors of rape reporting decisions by social support or legal justice. Our research sample is 195 adolescent rape victims aged 12-18, which was first reported to the social agency for assistance, hence its reporting rate was high to 81.5%. However, since sexual assault from chapter 16 of penal code is mandatory reporting, the reporting rate should be 100%. The purpose of this research is to find out the difficulty of rape reporting after disclosure, the reasons behind rape reporting in Taiwan. This research discovered two important factors as Allen proposed, the legal justice and social support factors. If the assailant is an adult, then the adolescent victims will likely go directly to report the crime to the police without any legal consultation. If the victims came from financially difficult families, they will likely first accept social worker’s consultations, then going to the police to report. For those 18.5% non-reporting victims, their five reasons ranged from lack of evidentiary factor (30.3%), lack of social support factor (21.4%), trauma factor (21.4%), relational concerns factor (16.0%) and lack of victims’ perception (10.7%).
