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篇名 早期療育到宅服務對經濟弱勢家庭母親教養方式的影響
卷期 11
並列篇名 The Influence of Early-intervention Home Visiting Services on Economically Disadvantaged Mothers of Children with Developmental Delays
作者 柯秋雪
頁次 055-095
關鍵字 母親早期療育到宅服務教養方式經濟弱勢家庭mothersearly interventionhome visiting servicesparentingeconomically disadvantaged families
出刊日期 201411
DOI 10.3966/207802222014110011003




The purposes of this study were to investigate the influence of earlyintervention home visiting services on economically disadvantaged mothers with children with developmental delays and their influential factors. In this qualitative study, ten mothers, six home visitors and three case managers were interviewed. The results indicated that the parenting attitude was enhanced after home visiting services; most of the interviewed mothers could cooperate with home visitors, would be more actively involved in the rehabilitation of their children and regard the child rearing as their responsibility. In terms of parenting behaviors, these interviewed mothers followed the teachings of home visitors, bought the recommended toys from home visitors for their children and let their older brothers and sisters teach their siblings. Some mothers could interact with their children through arts of play; some used home OEM to train the fine-motor of their children. Few mothers could furthermore learn by analog and took the initiative to help other parents. In addition, some mothers shared information by phone or face-to-face meetings through the intermediary of home visitors. Most of these mothers felt great economic pressure, but the capability and characteristic of mothers and children, the relationship between home visitors and mothers, as well as other support systems also played important roles. Suggestions on early-intervention home visiting services were provided based on these research findings.
