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篇名 我國國防產業發展策略之研究
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 Long Range Planning for the Development of Defense Industry:A Case Study in Taiwan
作者 詹秋貴
頁次 021-048
關鍵字 國防產業政策全民國防研究發展研發能力系統動態學Defense Industry PolicyTotal DefenseR&DR&D CapabilitySystem Dynamics
出刊日期 200207


近十年來我國龐大的武器外購預算對自力硏發任務產生排擠作用,武器 外購政策使得硏發人才快速流失,造成硏發能力嚴重衰退,已危及國家安全並 阻礙國防產業長期發展;因此,就國家的長期利益而言,必須以國家整體利益 的觀點思考國防產業發展政策的制定,一方面使武器系統硏發能力持續累積, 另一方面又能帶動國內整體工業水準提昇及經濟的穩定展發。本硏究以系統的 觀點提出我國發展國防產業政策的省思,分析世界各主要國家國防產業發展趨 勢,並以系統動態學爲方法論,建構動態模式探討我國國防產業發展藍圖,最 後提出建議做爲施政參考。


The post-Cold War era has seen considerably reduced national defense budgets and a consequent decline in the international arms trade. Consequently, the world’s arms suppliers have begun to sell high-performance weapons to gain foreign exchange, allowing Taiwan to procure relatively advanced weaponry at lower prices than previously. The above trends are driving defense procurement policies in Taiwan towards the build up of arms through purchase from abroad. This development in turn is impeding the further growth of long accumulated independent R&D capability and has even caused its rapid deterioration. Hence developing a strategy to counter this change is becoming a serious problem for Taiwan. This study analyzes the policy characteristics of defense technology development in Taiwan and development trends in advanced nations; and finally applies system dynamics methodology to construct a strategic model for developing defense technology in Taiwan.
