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篇名 結合問題導向學習的翻轉教學之設計:以國小數學教學為例
卷期 261
並列篇名 A Design of Flipped Instruction Combined with Problem-based Learning: An Example of Mathematics Teaching in Elementary School
作者 陳國泰
頁次 018-031
關鍵字 問題導向學習數學教學翻轉教學problem-based learningmathematics teachingflipped instru
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.3966/168063602016010261002




Due to that the methods and ideas of “Flipped Instruction” and “Problem-Based Learning (PBL)” are complementary to each other, the researcher tries to combine the methods and ideas of both to become one kind of “Flipped Instruction Combined with Problem- Based Learning” and demonstrates a case of mathematics teaching in elementary school that teachers can refer to when they implement flipped instruction. The research proposes the teaching model as follows: 1. First Stage (before class): (1) Teacher online proposes unsolved authentic problems; (2) Students study on their own through online materials. 2. Second Stage (during class): (1) Students in each group discuss and analyze authentic problems; (2) Students in each group collect and share relevant information; (3) Students in each group fi gure out possible solutions; (4) Students in each group propose the report regarding problems; (5) Teacher integrate and add relevant learning contents; (6) Teacher Assign practice and discussion. 3. Third Stage (after class): (1) Students can do further extension learning and exchange information after class; (2) Learning evaluation and refl ection from students.
