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篇名 翻轉學習的迷思與成功關鍵探討
卷期 261
並列篇名 Misconceptions and the Successful Issues about the Flipped Learning
作者 林佳蓉
頁次 032-045
關鍵字 多媒體設計原則科技融入教學學習者中心翻轉學習multimedia instructional designtechnology-instruction integrationlearnercenteredflipped learning
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.3966/168063602016010261003




This paper attempts to clarify the current misconceptions of fl ipped learning. Instead of teaching video, the author remind teachers that learner-centered principle is the most important consideration to make effective fl ipped learning. Teachers need to consider multimedia design principles and technology-instruction integration when designing teaching video. However, Flipped classroom is not a totally unfamiliar mode of education, but a combination of a lot of educational theories, such as cooperative learning, learner-centered, blended learning, technology-instruction integration, multimedia instructional design, improving the learning environment, suffi cient implementation time, of course, need the support of school leaders, and so on.
