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篇名 不轉不行?從一個平凡小學教室之「翻轉教室」經驗省思科技翻轉教育的意義
卷期 261
並列篇名 Is Flipping the Only Way? Rethinking the Idea of Flipping Education through Technology Use According to an Ordinary Primary School Classroom’s “Flipped Classroom” Experiences
作者 蔡瑞君
頁次 082-099
關鍵字 科技應用課程與教學翻轉教育翻轉教室technology usecurriculum and instructionflipping educationflipped classroom
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.3966/168063602016010261006




With advancement in technology, various forms of education methodologies emerge and make impact on curriculum and instruction. In recent years, the “Flipped Classroom” model, which encourages students to view short lecture videos before the class and participate in class discussions, has gained great popularity around the world. Although a number of studies claimed that most students benefi t from the pedagogical model, they failed to explain the problems associated with the model or diffi culties encountered in its implementation. In this context, the current study aims to understand the actual “Flipped Classroom” experiences in an ordinary primary school classroom from perspectives of teachers and students. Results revealed that the students and parents did not support the new pedagogical model due to the specifi c living context they were in. The lecture videos failed to attract the students in learning by themselves. The students disliked the pedagogical model. Although the teacher was passionate in the beginning on using new technology to improvise her teaching, later she turned to integrate technology use in education with reservation. Research suggested that implementation of “Flipped Classroom” model should take students’ living context into account. Besides, we should not overly expected that all students can be selfdirected learners through the use of this model. In this digital age, although the ability of integrating technology in teaching has become a requirement for a teacher, ‘when’ and ‘how’ to use the technology appropriately have become major challenges to the teachers.
