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篇名 Lung Adenocarcinoma Metastatic to an Indirect Inguinal Hernia Sac: A Case Report and Literature Review
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 肺腺癌轉移至腹股溝疝氣:病例報告及文獻回顧
作者 林惠鈺廖俊厚周有偉
頁次 077-082
關鍵字 Adenocarcinoma metastasisHernia sacInguinal herniaLung cancer肺癌轉移腹股溝疝氣
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/181020932016061402003




An inguinal hernia is a common medical condition in daily practice. Indeed, the lifetimeprevalence of inguinal hernias is 47% in patients > 75 years of age, but it is rare to have metastatic cancer of an inguinal hernia sac. Most cases of intraperitoneal malignant inguinal hernias arise from the gastrointestinal tract. Extraperitoneal inguinal metastases most commonly occur in males with testicular cancer; there have been no reported cases that have metastasized from lung adenocarcinoma. Here we report a 77-year-old male with possible cancerous peritonitis that led to the finding of metastases in a hernia sac. The patient presented with disease progression after chemo-radiation therapy with multiple metastases to the liver and bone. This report highlights the importance of a pathologic evaluation of the inguinal hernia sac in preventing misdiagnosis.
