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篇名 Successful Management of a Case of Placenta Accreta Complicated with Retroperitoneal Hematoma and Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage by Transcatheter Arterial Embolization
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 經由導管動脈栓塞成功的處理黏著性胎盤合併後腹膜腔血腫及嚴重產後子宮出血病例報告
作者 許耀仁郭秀雯詹正義洪正修
頁次 083-090
關鍵字 Placenta accretaRetroperitoneal hematomaPostpartum hemorrhageTranscatheter arterial embolization黏著性胎盤後腹膜腔血腫產後出血經由導管動脈栓塞
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/181020932016061402004




Placenta accreta is often encountered when attempting to manually remove the placenta after a vaginal delivery. Removing a placenta accreta by uterine curettage can result in uterus perforation, internal bleeding, retroperitoneal hematoma and intrauterine adhesions (Asherman syndrome). In this report, we discuss the use of transcatheter arterial embolization [TAE] to treat a case of placenta accreta complicated by retroperitoneal hematoma and severe uterine bleeding that may have been caused by uterine curettage. TAE is able to easily identify sources of bleeding, allows preservation of the uterus and the patient’s reproductive capability and helps to prevent surgery related complications. Complete resorption of the retroperitoneal hematoma and placenta accreta was found to have occurred two months after TAE. The patient’s menstrual cycle resumed three months after TAE without any sequelae.
