
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 國民中小學教師專業發展評鑑之進階評鑑人員能力建構及實徵調查研究
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 A Study of Competency Construction and Current Practices for Advanced Evaluators in Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development in Elementary and Junior High Schools
作者 鄭淑惠
頁次 065-097
關鍵字 教師專業發展評鑑評鑑人員評鑑人員能力進階評鑑人員teacher evaluation for professional developmentevaluatorevaluator competenciesadvanced evaluatorTSSCI
出刊日期 201608
DOI 10.3966/156082982016081903003




The purpose of this study is to establish the competencies of advanced evaluators of teacher evaluation for professional development, as well as to investigate the gap between their current and required competencies. Using a survey method, this study researched the advanced evaluators in elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan and obtained 514 questionnaires. The response rate of valid questionnaires is 72%. Main findings are as follows. 1. The competencies for advanced evaluators of teacher evaluation for professional development were an understanding of the teacher evaluation system, teaching expertise, data collection and analysis skills, and evaluation ethics and interpersonal competencies. 2. Advanced evaluators acknowledged the value of the four dimensions of evaluator competencies. They rated the level of their current competencies between average and good. There was a gap between the perceived level of importance and the current level of their competencies. The widest gap existed in their data collection and analysis skills, indicating their need for professional growth. 3. There were significant differences in the perceptions of the competencies’ level of importance, current state, and the gap between the current and required competencies, particularly regarding their teaching experiences, school locations, school levels, years of participating in the teacher evaluation, and whether the evaluators were involved in mentor training. Some recommendations are offered based on these findings.
