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篇名 社會變遷中應有的教育實習規劃:情境學習的觀點
卷期 11
並列篇名 The Planning of Educational Internship Based on Contemporary Social Changes : From the Perspectives of Situated Learning
作者 杜振亞
頁次 049-062
關鍵字 教育實習情境學習師徒制內隱知識Educational InternshipSituated LearningApprenticeshipTacit Knowledge
出刊日期 201412


教育實習是師資生於職前課程最後階段,投身教育現場,在指導教授與輔導老師 帶領下,連結所學理論、現場實務經驗與個人體會的一種綜合學習;教育實習的過程, 不僅是師資生個人專業發展的重要階段,也關係著師資培育工作的成敗。由於教育工 作,有太多的內隱知識(tacit knowledge),非書本理論或課堂教學所可包含,故本文 擬由情境學習(situated learning)的觀點,來探討現階段國民小學教師教育學程教育實 習應如何規劃,始能因應近來快速的社會變遷。依據Barbara Rogoff (1995) 的建議,情 境學習的研究可分從師徒制的實務社群、人際間的引導參與和透過參與而據為己有三 個面向來觀察,並就學習的環境、內容和方法來分析,本文也分別就此探討,並提出 建議,供相關的師培機構參考。


Educational internship is the last stage of pre-service teacher program for being engaged in the school setting. Under the guidance of adviser and mentor, the synthetic and comprehensive learning include the theoretical background, practical training and personal insight into education. The process of educational internship is not only the important stage for pre-service teachers on individual professional development, but also the key for the efficacy of a teacher education program. There was much tacit knowledge not taught from the books or gained from the classroom teaching in terms of educational task. The purpose of this study was to explore the planning of the educational internship in the current elementary school from the perspectives of the situated learning to cope with the rapid social change currently. Based on the suggestions of Barbara Rogoff (1995), the research on situated learning would be observed from three dimensions including the group of practice with apprenticeship, guided participation among people, and participatory appropriation. Furthermore, this study would analyze and explore relevant affairs of the educational internship based on its learning environment, contents and methods. The findings would be the reference for the teacher education institutes.
