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篇名 團體音樂治療活動 對社區老人體適能之影響
卷期 23:3
並列篇名 The impact of group music therapy activities to physical fitness for community elderly
作者 林惠娟
頁次 024-031
關鍵字 團體音樂治療活動體適能社區老人
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6647/CN.23.03.06


本研究目的為探討團體音樂治療活動對 社區老人體適能之影響。研究方法採類實驗 設計,以立意取樣選擇台中市某二處社區關懷據點,共47名55歲以上之老人(實驗組33 人,對照組14人)。實驗組接受每週1次,每次60-90分鐘,持續8週,並結合有氧運動、上下肢大肌群體操式的伸展之團體音樂治療活動:對照組則未參加團體音樂治療,僅參加社區關懷據點曰常生活活動。測量變項包括:老人體適能之30秒椅子站立檢測、2.44公尺椅子坐起繞物測驗、2分鐘踏步測驗等。結果:團體音樂治療活動介入對社區老人體適能的影響,在實驗組中之兩分鐘踏步方面,後測次數增加並達統計學顯著差異;而對照組中2.44公尺坐起繞物方面,後測秒數增加有達統計學顯著差異。本研究建議以團體音樂治療活動應可廣泛推廣於社區老人關懷據點中,藉以協助促進社區老人的體適能,進而提升老人生活品質。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an 8-weeks group music therapy activities program on physical fitness for elder in community. The study is a quasi-experimental study design with two-group pretest-posttest. A purposive sampling was conducted at two community care centers in Taichung. The number of 47 participants were recruited. All participants were then separately allocated into two groups, intervention group (n = 33) and control group (n = 14) . Participants in the intervention group received group music therapy activities program and in the control group only had daily living activities at community care center. The program consisted of aerobic exercise and upper and lower limb muscle stretch held once per week for 60 to 90 minutes and lasted for 8 weeks. All participants had physical fitness test before (pre) and after (post) the study intervention. In this study three parts of physical fitness were tested that were chair stand, 2.44 m-foot up-and-go, and 2-minute step. The results revealed that the physical fitness test of the participants were significantly improved in 2-minute step after received 8-weeks group music therapy activities program. The physical fitness test of the control group for 2.44 m-foot up-and-go were significant decreased. The physical fitness performance of elder in this study was improved after received an 8-weeks group music therapy activities program. Group music therapy activities is an easy and interesting program. It could be applied widely to community older adults to further promote their physical function and quality of life.
