
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 科技大學內部評鑑人員應有的評鑑能力與扮演的角色
卷期 19:4
並列篇名 A Study on Roles and Competencies of Internal Evaluator for University of Technology
作者 曾淑惠
頁次 037-063
關鍵字 內部評鑑科技大學評鑑人員能力internal evaluationuniversity of technologyevaluator competencyTSSCI
出刊日期 201611
DOI 10.3966/156082982016111904002




Information obtained from educational evaluation is of growing importance to organization planning and policy decision. As such, in Taiwan, as well as in many other countries in the world, educational evaluation is carried out mainly by internal evaluation. This study explored the role and competency of internal evaluators. Literature review, Semi-structured interview, and modified Delphi technique were used to collect information for generalizing the value judgment of this study. Eight administrators in charge of school self-evaluation policy of the university were interviewed, and 18 experts were involved in modified Delphi technique. Three of the main findings of this study are: 1. There are 27 competencies required of the internal evaluator. Of the seven roles played by the internal evaluator, three require more evaluator competencies than the others: advocate/planner, supporter/facilitator, and change agent/auditor. 2. Evaluators of the internal evaluation, on the whole, should play the role of expounding its complexity: At the stage of planning, they play the role of advocate/planner; at the stage of implementation, they play the role of researcher/investigator; and at the stage of results decision, they play an equal role of researcher/investigator and advocate/planner. 3. The eight roles played by internal evaluators can be classified into four orientations: interaction-management, interactionimplementation, authority-management, and authority-implementation.
