
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 五歲免學費教育計畫對學前幼兒認知能力差距的影響評估
卷期 19:4
並列篇名 Assessing the Effects of the Five- Year-Old Free Education Program on Preschoolers’ Cognitive Competence Gap
作者 林俊瑩
頁次 125-157
關鍵字 五歲免學費教育計畫加額補助幼兒教育認知能力Five-Year-Old Free Education Program additional edu-care subsidyearly childhood educationcognitive competenceTSSCI
出刊日期 201611
DOI 10.3966/156082982016111904005




“The Five-Year-Old Free Education Program (FYFEP)” was implemented by the Taiwanese government in 2011. A large proportion of young children and their parents were expected to be benefited by the program, which reflected the importance and concerns of the government in the early childhood education and care. However, only limited information was available about “the effects of this program’s subsidy on preschoolers’ cognitive competence,” and whether “this program’s subsidy could really minimize the development gap between disadvantaged and advantaged young children.” In order to examine the relationships between additional edu-care subsidy of the program and the development of children’s cognitive competence, the researcher used two consequences of follow-up survey for five-year-old preschoolers in Taiwan to construct a longitudinal analysis. The findings of this study showed that additional child edu-care subsidy had significant influences on the development of young children’s cognitive competence. The preschoolers from the lower income families or aboriginal families were more likely to accept additional child edu-care subsidy of free education program. Therefore, it would reduce the development gap in cognitive competence between the lower income and the aboriginal families and their counterparts—the normal income and the non-aboriginal families. The FYFEP really diminished the development gap in cognitive competence between disadvantaged and advantaged young children.
