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篇名 國小中高年級學童線上圖形工作記憶測驗之編製
卷期 5:11
並列篇名 Design of Online Working Memory Graphic Testing for Elementary School Students’ in Grades Middle to High
作者 陳新豐
頁次 160-180
關鍵字 線上圖形工作記憶測驗閱讀理解線上測驗Online Working Memory Graphic TestingReading ComprehensionOnline Testing
出刊日期 201611


本研究旨在建置國小中高年級學童線上圖形工作記憶測驗(Online Working Memory Graphic Testing, OWMGT)系統,並探討 OWMGT 的信度與效度, OWMGT與自然科學成就能力、中文閱讀理解能力的相關情形。研究對象為國 小中高年級學童,共抽取8所學校27個班級585位,其中4年級273位、5年 級312位、男生300位、女生285位。研究工具包括研究者自行編製之國小中高 年級學童線上圖形工作記憶測驗、線上自然科學成就電腦化適性測驗、中文閱讀 理解測驗等,研究方法為線上調查法。研究結果中,本研究所建置之國小中高年 級OWMGT在信度方面達可接受的程度,效度方面亦達測驗中可被接受的程 度,其中OWMGT與中文閱讀理解測驗的效標關聯效度達顯著性的相關,並且 具有性別與年級的區辨性。期望國小中高年級學童線上圖形工作記憶測驗可以提 供後續研究者進行相關研究,並進行後續複核效度的驗證。


The purposes of this research were to design an Online Working Memory Graphic Testing (OWMGT), and to examine the reliability and validity of OWMGT, and (3) to investigate its correlation between the OWMGT scores and natural science achievement and Chinese reading comprehension skills. Subjects were 273 fourth graders and 312 fifth graders, recruited from 27 classes in 8 elementary schools, totally 585 students. The applied instruments were a self-designed OWMGT for elementary school students in Grades 4 to 5, an online computerized adaptive testing for natural science, and a Chinese reading comprehension test. Internet survey was the main method in this study. In conclusion, the results showed that the OWMGT has good consistency and stability. The variables “age” and “sex” were useful in distinguishing between groups and the predictive criterion-related validity was significant between the OWMGT scores and reading comprehension skills. These findings suggest the OWMGT could be useful for researches to do further research and cross validation.

