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篇名 司馬光《太玄集注》中的君子與小人
卷期 58
並列篇名 Sima Guang’s View of the Cultivated Man and the Small Man in his Collected Commentaries on the Taixuan jing
作者 侯道儒
頁次 001-046
關鍵字 司馬光《太玄經》君子小人北宋思想史Sima GuangTaixuan jingthe cultivated manthe small manNorthern Song thoughtTHCITSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.2016.58.01




During the Northern Song dynasty, the problem of how to define the traditional Confucian concepts of the cultivated man (junzi 君子) and the small man (xiaoren 小人) became an important topic of debate. This debate was influenced by the factional infighting that plagued Northern Song politics, as well as the development of new ideas regarding the human mind, the nature and self-cultivation. Drawing on passages found in classical texts, particularly the Yijing, many Northern Song thinkers, such as Ouyang Xiu, Fan Zhongyan, Wang Anshi, and Hu Yuan sought to delineate the political and philosophical implications inherent in these terms. The present article investigates how the influential Northern Song intellectual and statesman, Sima Guang, interpreted the concepts of junzi and xiaoren in his various writings. It is argued here that his Collected Commentaries on the Taixuan jing is a key text for understanding his views on the junzi and xiaoren and furthermore that these terms played a very important role in Sima’s philosophical thought.
