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篇名 《老子》三十二章「始制有名」重詮
卷期 39
並列篇名 A Reinterpretation of the Phrase “ShizhiYouming” in Chapter 32 in the Laozi
作者 蕭振聲
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 老子始制有名無為詮釋LaoziShizhi YoumingAction without ActingInterpretationTHCI Core
出刊日期 201606




In interpreting the phrase “shizhiyouming” in chapter 32 in the Laozi, almost all of the scholars from the past to present hold either a politic or a linguistic view, which are generally regarded as being so logical as well as textually rigid. However, this article attempts to argue that, by putting the phrase in the context of Laozi’s philosophy of wu-wei (action without acting), which at the same time connects with an investigation of special usage of some technical terms such as shi and you-ming, and with certain sentences occurred in different versions of Laozi mainly excavated from graves in the period between the warring states and Han dynasty in past several decades, it will be able to offer a new interpretation of what shizhiyouming means, an interpretation that is much more reasonable, and even coherent, than the two main perspectives mentioned above.
