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篇名 論跨界「異←→同」互動的雙螺旋層次系統——以「0一二多」為主軸切入作考察
卷期 39
並列篇名 On the Double Spiral Level System of a Cross-Boundary Interaction between Difference and Sameness --An Observation on the Axis of “(zero) one←→two←→multitute.”
作者 陳滿銘
頁次 131-164
關鍵字 「異同」互動雙螺旋層次系統「0 一二多」「哲學←→科學」對應 與貫通鍵軸性interaction between difference and samenessdouble spiral level system corresponding and connection between philosophy and sciencenature of key and axisTHCI Core
出刊日期 201606




All things and creatures in the universe and life belong to the level systems in which difference (induction: scientific) interacts with sameness (deduction: philosophical) and then forms all kinds of “double spiral levels,” which manifest the phenomenon of using sameness to cover difference (progressive; sideward down) or using difference to show sameness (retrograde; sideward up). And this “double spiral level system” can be gradually penetrated by the axis of “(zero) one←→two←→multitute.” Based on this axis, this article uses “thinking,” “composition,” and “complete form” as examples to make an observation in order to see the nature of “key and axis” which shows the corresponding and connection between philosophy and science as a whole.
