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篇名 臺灣新聞管制政策下的黨、公營報業發展──以《中央日報》為中心(1949-1953)
卷期 19
並列篇名 The Development of the Party-owned and Privatizing State-owned Newspaper under the Press Control Policy: An Investigation Focusing on Central Daily News (1949-1953)
作者 陳志昌
頁次 139-168
關鍵字 中央日報國民黨報業發展新聞管制Central Daily NewsKuomintangDevelopment of newspaperPress Control
出刊日期 201607


1950 年代,以《中央日報》為中心的黨、公營報紙何以能獨霸臺 灣報業市場?過去的研究往往從新聞管制史角度著手:著重於論述政 府當局如何透過制定層層的新聞管制政策,掌控新聞媒體,壓抑民營 各報的發展空間;其論述主軸往往是新聞管制法規、管制政策,以及 民營報業受壓抑的窘境;甚而許多新聞管制史的研究,將該研究做為 對臺灣人權發展研究的呼應。然而,在解決黨、公營報紙如何於1950 年代稱霸臺灣報業市場的問題上,如此的研究趨向會讓黨、公報紙的 發展淪為論述的配角,而導致其發展軌跡模糊不清。本文為避免模糊 焦點,讓研究再度淪為以新聞管制、臺灣人權發展為主軸的研究,本 文將在新聞管制的研究基礎上,針對新聞管制政策的各項法規,分項 說明《中央日報》在同受新聞管制政策約束的情況下,如何獲得黨、 政扶掖,成為1950 年代臺灣第一大報。


Why “Central Daily News”(中央日報) became the most popular newspaper during the 1950s in Taiwan? This article tries to get rid of Kuomintang's official claims that "Central Daily News" managed with it's own efforts and with flexible sales system. Besides, in order to solved this question , most articles emphasized on how Kuomintang controlled the news through various of laws and policies, others articles might connect their study with the development of human rights in Taiwan. These studies could not show the development of "Central Daily News". This article standing on the Press Control Policy, will focus on each of the laws of Press Control Policy, to explain how "Central Daily News" under the same restrictions, developed and became Taiwan's largest newspaper in 1950s.
