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篇名 腹腔鏡手術及機械手臂手術之優點及其限制
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 The Advantages and Limitations of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery
作者 陳國鋅
頁次 173-177
關鍵字 腹腔鏡手術機械手臂手術微創手術優點及限制laparoscopic surgeryrobotic assisted surgeryminimally invasive surgeryTSCI
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2017.21(2).6


腹腔鏡微創手術為近三十年來,外科手術的重要發展。手術傷口因使用微創器械及腹腔鏡影像系 統而大幅縮小,術後疼痛大幅改善。手術視野因影像放大而更加清晰,有利於外科醫師進行更準確之手 術。多項研究皆顯示微創手術術後恢復較傳統剖腹手術快,術後傷口併發症較少,如傷口感染及切口疝 氣等。手術中出血較少,但手術時間也許較長。機械手臂手術在某些部份可能克服傳統腹腔鏡的缺點。 如3D立體影像,方便精細手術進行,手術器械具有近手腕動作,提昇器械靈巧性,機械手臂手術電腦可 去除術者手臂生理性抖動,提昇準確性。但機械手臂手術系統造價昂貴,維修及耗材所費不貲。操作機 械手臂需外科醫師另外的學習,相關手術室團隊,麻醉團隊的配合也須仔細研究。手術器械完全沒有觸 覺回饋,力道不易掌握,必須小心進行。機械手臂手術雖具若干優勢,可縮短外科醫師完成複雜微創手 術的學習期,惟臨床效益,仍待長期追踪以驗證成效。


Minimally invasive surgery has reshaped the modern surgery in the past 3 decades. Potential advantages include enhanced patient recovery, less wound pain, less wound complications and better cosmetics. However, traditional laparoscopic surgery has been associated with some limitation, like 2-Dimentional image, less tactile feedback, limited choices in surgical instrument and poor surgeon’s ergonomics. Robotic surgical system had been developed to overcome the drawbacks of traditional laparoscopic approach, however, it has own limitations such as lack of tactile feedback, higher cost, longer operation time, steep learning curve and even more limited choices in instruments. Robotic approach has been considered advantageous to perform fine dissection in narrow space. To improve surgical outcome, to take the advantages and avoid the limitation are the main missions of contemporary surgical revolution.
