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篇名 微創手術術前準備及術後合併症之處理
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Preoperative Evaluation and Management of Complications of Minimal Invasive Therapy
作者 崔克宏
頁次 184-187
關鍵字 微創手術併發症手術前處理minimal invasive therapycomplicationpreoperativeevaluationTSCI
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2017.21(2).8


隨著微創手術逐年快速成長,微創手術前準備和手術後併發症的處理是微創手術最重要一環。本 章節主要是討論微創手術之手術前準備以及手術後併發症的處理,如果外科醫師對於人體接受麻醉的基 本知識和生理改變的變化深入了解就會不容易發生嚴重的併發症,同時有助於病人接受微創手術後的復 原。所以,本章節主要是介紹微創手術之術前準備和併發症之處理。


Minimal invasive therapy is rapidly developing technique in the world. There are several unique aspects to surgery in the minimal invasive therapy patient. This chapter will review the unique preoperative evaluation and complication management associated with minimal invasive therapy. An adequate knowledge of the anesthetic considerations will minimize the risk of hypercarbia, hypoxia, and gas embolism which may accompany interventional minimal invasive therapy. The role of the anesthesiologist and physiological changes in the laparoscopic surgery are an important one. The surgeons must familiarize themselves with anesthesia problem and complete knowledge of the human physiological changes during the surgery. An understanding of the unique minimal invasive therapy preoperative evaluation will help us to work successfully in minimization of the risks and complications which may accompany minimal invasive therapy.
