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篇名 中老年同志的健康促進
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Health Promotion for the LGBT Mid-Life and Older Adults
作者 衛漢庭莊苹陳牧宏
頁次 203-207
關鍵字 同志健康促進LGBThealth promotionTSCI
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2017.21(2).11


中老年同志在老化的過程中,常遭受到許多與異性戀社群不同的壓力。由於缺乏社會制度的基本 保障,因此常會處於各種形式的社會隔離之中。中老年同志除了許多與高齡相關的慢性疾病之外,心理 健康疾病如憂鬱症、焦慮症、飲食疾患、以及物質濫用等、高抽於率、癌病的延遲診斷、親密關係暴力 或性暴力、愛滋與其他性傳染病等都是健康促進中的挑戰。因此,醫療照護者應該擁有足夠對於中老年 同志的文化勝任能力。社會應對於中老年同志的經濟安全、社會支持與社區連結、以及健康及心理社會 需求的照護進行強化與發展。同志婚姻,作為制度及法律面的保障,就是同志健康促進的具體策略。除 此之外,同志社群亦應正面積極的面對老化議題,加強社群連結以及支持系統,以發展中老年同志特有 的成功老化策略。


LGBT mid-life and older adults often experience great social pressure. Due to the lack of social supportive systems, they suffer from different levels of social segregation. Specific health concerns lie upon the population. The challenges includes mental illnesses such as depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and substance use disorders, delayed diagnosed of cancer, high smoking rates, sexual violence, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and etc. Therefore, cultural competence training based on the need of midlife and older LGBTs should be provided to the caregivers. Concerns regarding sexual orientation or gender identity in clinical decisional makings should be prioritized. Legalizing gay marriage can be an effective way of promoting health and equality among LGBT populations. The LGBT community should also face the challenges and promote successful aging strategies and build up networks to provide better healthcare for the midlife and older LGBT adults.
