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篇名 網路服務組合之最佳化-使用基因演算法與案例推理
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Study of Optimizing Web Services Composition - Using Genetic Algorithm and Case-based Reasoning
作者 陳鴻文江憲坤林政翰
頁次 055-068
關鍵字 網路服務網路服務組合最佳化服務品質感知基因演算法案例推理web servicesweb services composition optimizationQoS-awaregenetic algorithmcase-based reasoning
出刊日期 201703


網路服務是一種透過網際網路上異構、自治的企業服務,為使用者提供按需即取的運算。然而,為了達 成使用者複雜的功能需求時,網路服務在檢索和串接整合時,常受限於現行的通用敘述查詢與整合(UDDI)規 範的部份缺點,造成無法有效找尋到符合使用者需求的適當網路服務。因此,如何快速且確實地提供符合需 求的網路服務,便值得深入探討。本文先藉由層級分析方式,求得使用者對於網路服務品質屬性的主觀權重, 再依據使用者的品質需求,經由UDDI 進行檢索。如果符合使用者功能需求的網路服務不多,就可利用動態 規劃法,來找出網路服務之最佳品質組合。相對地,如果符合需求的服務過多,由於形成組合數目過大,動 態規劃將無法處理;本研究將利用使用者的主觀權重,加入使用者設定的組合限制條件,經由本文所提出的 網路服務案例格式轉換,先找到相似的組合案例,來作為基因演算法的起始狀態;再利用限制性基因演算法, 分析出(近似)最佳之網路服務組合的服務或品質特性;再據以透過網路服務元件搜尋機制,以期搜尋出符合 個人特定需求的網路服務元件暨組合。透過實驗資料的設計和分析,案例和基因演算的成功結合,的確可以 大幅加速基因演算法的收斂速度和品質,足以藉此來協助進行網路服務的有效管理和應用。


Web services are a kind of heterogeneous and autonomous business assistances to provide users with on-demand services through Internet. However, the integration of web services is frequently restricted for the incomplete designs of universal description discovery and integration schema. Therefore, it is worthy of a further study about effectively providing web services to meet user needs. In the study, the items of web services were searched through the UDDI server based on the functional service requirements of users. For the quality factors of web services, subjective weights of each individual user were evaluated by the technique of analytical hierarchy process. If the number of web services to meet the user’s demands found through UDDI searching is small, the best composition of web services would be suggested by applying dynamic programming to take the ensemble quality of integrated services into consideration. On the other hand, if too many web services are available, it becomes intractable for dynamic programming to process. The proposed restricted genetic algorithm, which was initialized with the optimal service composition recorded within similar cases, would be used to find the best or near-best composition of web services by simultaneously considering the personal weights of service quality for a user and the specified composition constraints of each individual web service. In addition, some experimental evaluations were designed to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed optimization method. Thus, the proposed method is highly expected to improve the management and applications of web services.
