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篇名 歸有光文學視域中的《莊子》解讀
卷期 31
並列篇名 The Interpretation of Zhuangzi revealed in Gue You-Guang’s Literary View
作者 謝明陽
頁次 037-060
關鍵字 莊子歸有光《莊子釋意》《震川先生集》以文解《莊》ZhuangziGue You-GuangZhuangzi Shi YiThe Collection of Zhen Chuan Xian Shengliterary interpretation of ZhuangziTHCI Core
出刊日期 201606




This essay explores how Gue You-Guang interpreted Zhuangzi from a literary perspective. The essay first identifies two documents related to the interpretation of Zhuangzi by Gue You-Guang. One is Zhuangzi Shi Yi by Gao Qiu-Yue, which collected Gue You-Guang’s distinctive comments on Zhuangzi. The other is Gue You-Guang’s The Collection of Zhen Chuan Xian Sheng, which contains several articles quoting words from Zhuangzi. From Zhuangzi Shi Yi, we can see that Gue perceived each individual chapter of Zhuangzi as a respective unit and gather the essence of them through the analysis of discourse. It is evident that Gue You-Guang’s appreciation of Zhuangzi evolved from the comments and analyses into the exploration of the profound meaning or even altered Zhuangzi’s original meaning. At the end of the essay, we discuss how Gue You-Guang applied the expressions from Zhuangzi to the field of literary comments and analyses, with which he made a contribution to the fusion of literary comments and Zhang-zi’s thoughts.
