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篇名 中風患者上肢肌力缺損與動作功能、活動參與之關係
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 Relationships Between Upper-limb Muscular Weakness and Motor Function, Activity Participation in People with Stroke
作者 蘇宜家古芳菱黃菁萍蔡秋瑾陳天文陳明德
頁次 155-172
關鍵字 中風運動肌力訓練健康促進StrokeExerciseResistance TrainingStrengthening TrainingHealth PromotionTSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6594/JTOTA.2016.34(2).01


目的:本研究目的為透過客觀方式來測量不同動作部位的肌力缺損情形,並 探討不同動作部位肌力缺損與中風患者上肢動作功能及活動參與之相關性。 方法:共招募39 位中風個案。使用手持式肌力計、握力計和捏力計評量肩、 肘、腕及手部的肌力,共有10 個動作部位。上肢動作功能使用Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) 及Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) 來評量。活動參與使用 ABILHAND 及Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) 部分次量表來呈現。 結果:FMA、WMFT、ABILHAND 和多個部位的肌力缺損有顯著的中度到高 度相關。逐步複迴歸分析發現,與FMA 相關的肌力缺損部位為肩內轉、肘彎曲與 捏力(模式修正R2 > .77);與WMFT 動作功能相關的部位為肩內轉與肩外展(修 正R2 = .78);與ABILHAND 相關的肌力缺損為肩內轉與捏力(修正R2 = .68)。 與SIS-strength 相關的部位為肩內轉、肘伸直、捏力 (R2 = .62)。 結論:不同部位的上肢肌力缺損分別對上肢動作功能及活動參與有著不同程 度的相關性。其中,肩內轉與捏力缺損為多數評估表現的顯著相關因子。未來建 議進行上肢肌力訓練方案之實證研究。


Purposes: This study was (1) to examine the muscle strength deficit of various movements by using the objective measurements, and (2) to investigate the relationships between the upper-limb muscle strength deficits and the motor functions as well as activity participation in people with stroke. Method: Thirty nine participants with stroke were recruited. Hand-held dynamometers were used to measure the muscle strength of the 10 movements across the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), ABILHANND and subscales of Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) were used as measures for motor function, and activity participation. Result: There were significantly moderate to large association between FMA, WMFT, ABILHAND and strength deficits of various movements. The stepwise multiple regression analyses found that strength deficits in shoulder internal rotation, elbow flexion, and lateral pinch were the significant associated factors of the FMA (the model’s adjusted R2 > .77). The strength deficits in shoulder internal rotation and shoulder abduction were related to the WMFT-Functional Ability (adjusted R2 = .78).The strength deficits in shoulder internal rotation and lateral pinch were associated with the ABILHAND (adjusted R2 = .68). The strength deficits in shoulder internal rotation, elbow extension, and lateral pinch were related to the strength subscale of SIS (adjusted R2 = .62). Conclusion: There were various associations between the muscle strength deficits in different movements of upper limb and motor functions as well as activity participation in people with stroke. Muscle strength in shoulder internal rotation and lateral pinch were the significant factors for several outcome measures. Future studies are suggested to examine the effects of strengthening intervention on the upper extremities in people with stroke.
