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篇名 實驗教育在「實驗」什麼?臺灣實驗教育的核心關懷與實踐探索
卷期 277
並列篇名 Experimental-ness in Experimental Education: The Exploration of the Corn Concerns of Experimental Education in Taiwan and Its Praxis
作者 劉育忠王慧蘭
頁次 004-017
關鍵字 另類教育教育美學教育選擇權實驗性實驗教育alternative pedagogyaesthetics of educationeducational choiceexperimentalnessexperimental education
出刊日期 201705
DOI 10.3966/168063602017050277001




This paper is to examine the experimental-ness of experimental education in order to analyze the core concerns of Experimental Education in Taiwan. By attention to the multiplicity that experimental education in Taiwan insisted and trying to elaborate its liberation in terms of worldviews, human conceptions and epistemologies, it is concluded that experimental education in Taiwan particularly emphasizes the multiplicity of human conceptions and the aesthetic approach of practice. In addition, this paper reminds us of the significance of child as the subject as long as of the rights of educational choices by questioning and refl ections upon the praxis of experimental education in Taiwan and some problematic phenomena.
