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篇名 專業人員的反省—疾病烙印的自我覺察
卷期 64:3
並列篇名 Self-Awareness of Disease Stigma: Reflections of Healthcare Professionals
作者 陳志軒王盈婷徐畢卿
頁次 012-018
關鍵字 烙印連帶自我烙印專業自我覺察stigmaaffiliate stigmaprofessionself-awarenessMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6224/JN.000035




People who suffer from disease frequently experience disease-related stigmas. Stigma presents in daily life during normal human interactions. The stereotypes promoted by the media often impact public opinion significantly. Moreover, healthcare professionals may exacerbate stigmatization due to their misunderstanding of patients and their disease issues. Therefore, the reflection on stigma of healthcare professionals cannot be ignored. The present article illustrates the issue of stigmas held by healthcare professionals, their related stigmas, and their self-awareness. It is hoped that all healthcare professionals may cooperate to develop an anti-stigma strategy and to become true spokespersons for their patients.
