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篇名 北安普敦教會與愛德華茲間教牧互動張力之社會經濟史考察
卷期 41
並列篇名 A Study of Social and Economic History of the Relationship between Northampton and Jonathan Edwards
作者 陳寬義
頁次 039-062
關鍵字 Jonathan Edwardseconomic thought of Jonathan Edwardsthe Great AwakeningScottish Enlightenmentparadigm change愛德華茲愛德華茲的經濟思惟大覺醒運動蘇格蘭啟 蒙運動範型轉換
出刊日期 201512


本文嘗試從社會經濟史的視角來考察在1740–50 年大覺醒運動 (the Great Awakening)前後,愛德華茲(Jonathan Edwards)與北 安普敦(Northampton)教會所屬新英格蘭地區的社會經濟因素(包 括土地取得、資本、勞動力之分配、社會階級流動與英屬殖民地內部 劇烈的通膨⋯⋯),同時透過與Mark Valeri “The Economic Thought of Jonathan Edwards” 從近代經濟學的經濟動能想像源起—「人的利己 主義」角度,探討「愛德華茲經濟思惟」文章的對話,進一步來觀察 愛德華茲與教區民眾雙方面對環境變遷時的思維、對話內容,對照北 安普敦教區的經濟演進狀況。嘗試模擬出一個更貼近愛德華茲與會眾 作宗教、心理與社經問題互動對話時的實況,從而對愛德華茲在北安 普敦教會「解聘事件」背後真正原因,有更進一步的探索。最後再從 知識社會學的視角回來探討,愛德華茲對當時經濟問題的看法與其回 應行動背後的思想理路。


From a Social and Economic History approach, this essay examines the Jonathan Edwards’ church in the New England’s economic environment during the Great Awakening (1740–50). In dialogues with Mark Valeri’s essay “The Economic Thought of Jonathan Edwards” that discusses from the perspective of modern economic momentum— “self-interest,” this essay analyzes the dynamics between Edwards and his congregation. It will offer a close scenario of the dialogues between Edwards and his congregation on issues related to religion, psychology, and socio–economic reality and then examine the possible reason behind Edwards’ dismissal from Northampton. From the perspective of Sociology of Knowledge, this essay analyzes the reasoning of Edwards’ response to his contemporary socio–economic issues.
