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篇名 NCC 對有線電視水平、垂直整合的規管 (2006-2016)
卷期 5
並列篇名 NCC’s Regulation on Horizontal and Vertical Integration of cable Television, 2006-2016
作者 邱家宜
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 NCC有線電視差別待遇頻道代理商頻道家族與有線 電視系統集團聯盟cable TVchannel agencydiscriminationNCCThe ally of cable networks and MSOs
出刊日期 201706


本文從有線電視系統產權變化、頻道上架壁壘與授權差別待遇, 來考察NCC 成立十年來對有線電視的規管。結果發現,台灣有線電 視產權集中在少數集團的現象,相較於十年前更為明顯。從有線電視 一開始發展就逐步形成的「頻道家族與有線電視系統集團聯盟」,因 為可以確保「利益相關者」(stakeholders)穩定大幅獲利,因此即使歷 經頻道家族與系統集團多次易主,以及有線電視從類比跨入數位的技 術變革,依然持續運作不輟,其對市場的控制力也依舊強大,繼續對 新平台加入市場,以及新頻道上架造成重重阻礙。在穩定寡占、獲利 保障的結構慣性下,讓電視內容的品質遲遲無法提升。種種證據顯 示,新技術的改變無法保證市場結構的改變,要改變既有狀況,必須 立法規範系統經營者不能同時經營頻道代理業務,打破系統經營者透 過頻道代理商角色進行市場控制的現況。


This thesis examines the effectiveness of NCC’s regulation of cable TV from several perspectives: shares resale of MSOs, boycotting new platform operators by channel authorization discrimination, and obstructing new channels carried by existing MSOs since NCC established in 2006. Equity concentration of MSOs has gone further in Taiwan compared with decade ago. Therefore, even the shares of MSOs and cable networks have transferred for many times when digital signals replaced analog signals in cable TV, the ally of cable networks and MSOs which was grow up since the budding of Taiwan cable TV still runs powerfully for making sure the stakeholders to profit well. The ally horizontal and vertical strongly controls Taiwan cable TV market by preventing new platforms or new channels to join in. This strong monopoly and stable profit making market structure postpones quality elevating of cable TV content badly. It is necessary to forbidden MSOs from running a channel agency business by law, therefore to break the market fully control by MSOs through the position as a channel agency.
