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篇名 NCC 的行為管制:困境與建議
卷期 5
並列篇名 NCC’s Conduct Regulation: Dilemma and Suggestion
作者 曾國峰
頁次 029-056
關鍵字 市場失靈行為管制國家通訊傳播委員會媒體產業conduct regulationmedia industrymarket failureNCC
出刊日期 201706


2006 年2 月NCC 成立,至今已超過十年,其掌管的傳播、通訊 與網路等產業,隨著IT 匯流科技進入日常生活的各個層面,對民主 社會言論自由、國家經濟產值規模,或是社群互動與電子商務等,都 有決定性的政策影響。為了避免直接干預內容,NCC 期望透過結構管 制的多樣性,保障內容市場的多元,不過,即使是結構所有權看似分 散,仍可能透過其他不公平的競爭行為,維持市場壟斷,因此仍需主 管機關介入不同面向的行為管制。 但由於缺乏完整的產業數據與資料庫,也沒有足夠專業人力進行 深入的競爭報告分析,以至於決策背後很難有理性論述。而數位匯流 後的跨平台法規強度不一致,更落後於實際產業環境與使用者習慣, 在沒有合理規範的管制工具下,造成長期以來的產業亂象不斷。建議 NCC 應重新定位管理角色,減少不合時宜的法條,將有限的行政資源 集中在消除市場障礙與不公平競爭,讓市場機制得以正常運作,並結 合文化部與公平會投入產業誘因、輔導與監管,以協助市場失靈的台 灣影視產業,能夠面對網際網路下的全球化競爭。


NCC (National Communications Commission) was established in the year of 2006 and responsible for the development of the media, telecommunication and Internet Industries in Taiwan. In order not to directly interfere with the contents, NCC expects to mandate the diversification of structure to keep the contents diversity. However, the conduct regulation is still necessary to maintain market competitive and avoid monopoly. Without the complete industry database and professionally economic/societal analysis, the regulation is usually lack of rationale behind the bills. In addition, the asymmetric regulations usually make the firms from different industries hard to effectively compete to each other in the digital convergence age. This research suggests that the NCC should focus on the elimination of market entry obstacle and unfair conduct, to let the market work by itself. With the cooperation of other government ministries, NCC should provide more incentives and guidance to solve the media market failure problem in Taiwan, so enterprises can compete the global conglomerates in the Internet era.
