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篇名 弱者身影:台灣解嚴前後農民抗議的姿態
卷期 5
並列篇名 The Weak have Their Strength: Peasants’ Protest in the Greenteam’s Documentaries
作者 陳品君
頁次 089-118
關鍵字 姿態習性綠色小組檔案影像gestureGreenteamhabitusvisual archive
出刊日期 201706


30 年過去了,1980 年代台灣街頭運動的激情變成一幅幅略顯模 糊的檔案影像。當我們回首這一段曾經參與過的歷史時,這些影像到 底代表什麼意義?對於未曾親歷這段歷史的閱讀者,這些影像又應該 如何被解讀?本文將以綠色小組拍攝的1987 年鹿港反杜邦設廠與 1988 年520 事件的檔案影像作為分析文本。藉由「姿態」(gesture) 概念和布爾迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的習性理論(habitus)分析檔案中 農民可視的抗議姿態到底受到什麼不可視的外在因素所塑造繼而產 生變化? 而綠色小組參與式的記錄姿態又展示了怎樣的政治蘊含?


Three decades after Taiwan ended martial law rule and began a transition to democracy, documentaries offer a valuable insight into those turbulent times, clearly showing the passion of protesters taking their causes to the streets. As we look at their images, what memories do they evoke? What do the images tell us about those past years, the critical period, in modern Taiwan's history? In this article, I will look at visual archives produced by the Greenteam: the 1987 environmental movement against U.S. chemical firm Du Pont's plan to build a factory in Lukang, and 520 Incident (1988). The concept of gesture will be used as a tool to analyze the documentaries and the archives about the movements. The focus of this article is to discuss the significance of the protest gesture revealed in the images of those documentaries as well as the external factors that had led to such a gesture. By reading the images, the concept of habitus will be formed as to interpret the interrelations between the visible protest gesture and the invisible external factors.
