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篇名 職場健康促進模式對運動階段與自我效能之探討
卷期 24:3
並列篇名 Workplace health promotion model: the study on exercise stage and self-efficacy
作者 杜宗禮簡盟月曹昭懿徐瑜君黃庭葦
頁次 203-214
關鍵字 健康職場世界衛生組織介入研究運動階段自我效能healthy workplaceWHOintervention studyexercise stageself efficacyTSCI
出刊日期 201707




Objectives: This study is entrusted by Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the aim is to evaluate the effects of workplace physical activity promotion model on health-exercise behavior and self efficacy of employees. Methods: Employees from four workplaces were included and randomized into experimental and control group. The intervention programs were conducted according to the recommendation of the WHO Healthy Workplace Model report. Pre- and post-evaluation was performed before and after 16-week intervention. A simple evaluation on stages of exercise behavior and self-efficacy was done. Statistics were performed by independent t-test, Mann-Whitney test, X2 test and ANOVA accordingly. Results: A total of 331 participants completed the pre- and post-evaluation. The stage of exercise in experimental group (176) after the intervention phase was significantly improved (p=0.001) and after intervention, the experimental group in the contemplation stage significantly progress to preparation stage(29%), or action stage (11.1%); while in the preparation stage progress to action stage (22.6%) and maintenance stage (72.2%). Post-test average exercise self-efficacy in the experimental group is score 1.6 higher than the control group. The promotion of exercise stage and self-efficacy between the intervention in the experimental group are significantly elevated than the control group. Conclusions: This study suggests this WHO intervention model can be imported in the workplace and significantly enhanced exercise behavior and self-efficacy of employees.
