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篇名 叢枝菌根菌於不同性質土壤中對宿主之影響
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi’s effects on host plants in different soil properties
作者 林子超
頁次 161-172
關鍵字 叢枝菌根菌宿主專一性土壤性質arbuscular mycorrhizal fungihost specificitysoil property
出刊日期 201707


為探討菌根菌在不同土壤性質中對宿主的影響,本研究以生態習性迥異的3 種樹種,分別將其 栽種於3 種不同性質的滅菌土壤,再以分離培育自不同棲地環境的3 種菌根菌進行接種試驗。結果 顯示叢枝菌根菌對宿主植物沒有很高的專一性,但土壤性質明顯影響了菌根菌能否與植物形成菌 根。不同的植物與菌根菌均有其適生的土壤,接種適當的菌根菌,能有效改善植物於不適合生育地 中生長狀況。


In order to explore mycorrhiza effects on different host plants in different soil properties, inoculation experiments were conducted using three plant species of different ecological habits. Each species was planted in three different soil media, then inoculated with three different mycorrhizal fungi that dominated different habitats.The results showed that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi exhibited little host specificity, but soil properties significantly affected the synthesis of plant and fungi. Though different plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi preferred different soil properties, their growth could nevertheless be improved when living in unsuitable habitats by inoculating appropriate arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
