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篇名 基于模糊優選理論在咖啡服務評價體系中的應用
卷期 5特刊1
並列篇名 A synthetic evaluation of Coffee Service based on Fuzzy Optimization theory
作者 許淑卿陳慎健郭信霖
頁次 001-007
關鍵字 模糊優選理論二元對比法相對隸屬度fuzzy optimization theorybinary contrast methodrelative membership degree
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.5(S1).01




A reasonable power quality evaluation method is not only the foundation to set the price according to coffee service, but also the important basis to manage coffee service comprehensively. By using the fuzzy optimization theory,this article built the foundation management coffee service comprehensively optimization model,used the binary contrast method to determine relative membership degree and weight of various factors,and made a comprehensive quantitative evaluation using an engineering example.The results showed that applying the fuzzy optimization theory to make foundation coffee service optimization,it combined qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation,which can comprehensively take many factors into account,and selected the optimum scheme from multiple construction evaluates. Furthermore, to achieve a unification of objectivity and subjectivity of weight, a weight factor is determined by fuzzy optimization theory, which is also a foundation for evaluation. A case study demonstrates that the proposed method can elaborate the grade of coffee service and make the coff -ee service assessment being more objective, reasonable and comprehensive. Finally, an example is used to illustrate the validity and simplicity of the method.
