
公共行政學報(政大) CSSCITSSCI

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篇名 研發成果商業化政策研究:順服因素之個案分析
卷期 53
並列篇名 The Implementation of the Research Commercialization Policy in Taiwan: A Case Study
作者 王怡瀠黃婉玲
頁次 079-119
關鍵字 研發成果商業化政策科學技術基本法政策利害關係人政策順服個案研究research commercialization policycience and Technology Basic Lawpolicy stakeholderspolicy compliancecase studyTSSCI
出刊日期 201709


政府於1999 年通過施行《科學技術基本法》,其中第6 條揭示由政 府補助之研究計畫,其所獲之研發成果智慧財產權,下放至研究計畫執行 單位所有,並負推廣運用之責,此即「研發成果商業化政策」。過去關於 此項政策的探討,多著重於量化成果的分析,較少從質化的角度切入,深 入了解相關人員在執行或適用此項政策時,所面臨的問題與阻礙。有鑒於 此,本文以國立臺灣大學與私立淡江大學為研究對象,透過對其校內技術 移轉單位人員與教授進行深度訪談的方式,分析兩校政策利害關係人對研 發成果商業化政策的順服程度,並進一步了解影響其政策順服的因素。研 究結果顯示,國立臺灣大學雖在資源與研發成果運用表現上大幅領先淡江 大學,但淡江大學校內利害關係人的政策順服程度卻相對高於國立臺灣大 學。此外,影響校內政策利害關係人順服程度之因素,除了文獻上所列之 行為動機、資源規模與個人認知等因素外,與其他政策利害關係人之互動 亦扮演關鍵的角色。透過訪談資料的整理,作者發現在研發成果商業化政 策執行過程中,仍面臨資源不足、研究計畫主管機關的介入以及產學落差等問題。本研究進一步針對上述問題提出政策建議,期能作為未來相關政策修正之參考,以使大學校院研發成果管理制度更臻完善。


The Taiwanese government adopted the Science and Technology Basic Law (STBL) in 1999. Article. 6 of the STBL allows universities to own the intellectual property rights of the research funded by the government, and to assume the responsibility of promoting the use of university research. This action is called the “Research Commercialization Policy (RCP).” Prior research mainly focused on quantitative analyses, while few studies employ a qualitative approach to determining the problems facing policy stakeholders when implementing the RCP. Our study aims at making this determination. National Taiwan University (NTU) and Tamkang University (TKU) were selected for our case study. By interviewing the staff of the technology transfer offices (TTOs) and the faculty members of the two universities, we determined the degree of stakeholders’ compliance with the RCP in these universities and identified the factors that explain the differences in policy compliance among the stakeholders. Our findings show that NTU has more resources and better quantitative performance than TKU has, while the stakeholders of TKU present a higher degree of policy compliance. In addition, we show that the interaction among policy stakeholders is an important determinant apart from the behavioral motivation, resources and individual cognition that have been discussed in the literature. We conclude that the major problems that universities face when implementing the RCP include lack of resources, interference by government agencies and the gap between university and industry. The findings of our study have policy implications for university managers and decision makers.
