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篇名 孕期血脂異常
卷期 28:5
並列篇名 Dyslipidemia in Pregnancy
作者 白蕙菁林偉弘林慶齡龔信宗
頁次 287-297
關鍵字 高血脂懷孕急性胰臟炎子癇前症StatinPCSK9 inhibitorScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201710
DOI 10.6314/JIMT.2017.28(5).04




As the age of mother with first pregnancy became older, the prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome increases. In such women, hyperlipidemia are not uncommon during pregnancy. The risk of complicated pregnancy as well as the perinatal complications of their offspring increases. For example, hyperlipidemia may increase the risk of preeclampsia and acute pancreatitis during pregnancy. Dyslipidemia in pregnancy also increase the risk of premature birth, fetal underweight or overweight; and the offspring of mother with dyslipidemia in pregnancy have higher risk of cardiovascular diseases when they grew up. Due to the physiological hormonal changes, blood lipid level would raise to support normal embryonic development during pregnancy; so dyslipidemia during pregnancy does not seem to have a very clear definition. However, severe cases of high cholesterol or triglyceride during pregnancy often indicates familial dyslipidemia. Clinically, proper patient education should be implemented before these patients became pregnant; doctors need to remind their patients about the risks, and do early prevention for related complications. At the same time, the increasing number of pregnancy in women with advanced age indicates that some of these women already know that they have hyperlipidemia, and some of them may already been taking lipid-lowering agents before they become pregnant. Most of the cholesterol-lowering drugs should not be used during pregnancy; therefore for obesity, diabetes and/or dyslipidemia pregnant women, diet control, exercise and weight control should be the main mandates. This article will discuss the impact of high blood lipids during pregnancy, and how to manage. (J Intern Med Taiwan 2017; 28: 287-297)
