
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 陸客來台觀光旅行業之困境與發展 運用TRIZ探討經營創新
卷期 19:4
並列篇名 The Dilemma and Solution of Taiwan’s Tourist Industry on Chinese Tourists Application of TRIZ Method to Tourist Industrial Innovation
作者 黃鴻鈞施信佑陳一銘許勝程
頁次 032-054
關鍵字 TRIZ大陸旅客自甶行系統創新觀光產業Chinese touristsforeign individual touristssystematic innovationtourist industiyTSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/199582342017121904002


然而,兩者經營 獲利模式卻截然不同,故旅行業者在現今 市場結構變化下,其因應方案之探討可透 過TRIZ系統創新分析法來發展。 TRIZ的解析方法係以「全面性架構」 的觀點來進行分析,故對於問題所提出的 方法解亦呈現「配套方案」的形式,對於 產業與業者在實務作法上深具指導性。本 研究透過實際市場參與和觀察訪談來進 行,進而產生旅遊產業之創新模式,本研 究貢獻如下:⑴探尋產業演進趨勢與市場 治理方向;(2)找出個別事業的發展機會; (3)透過跨領域科學方法的應用,以產生系 統創新觀點。研究結果所產生之管理意 涵,可供產業政策管理者與市場從業者在 擬定經營策略時之參考。


Chinese tourists to Taiwan had boomed since 2008 and rapidly changed Taiwan tourist industry in terms of quality and quantity. Therefore, the tourism of Taiwan has to strategize their business with new angle. However, the business profit model had altered from the group tours for Chinese tourists to Chinese individual tourists and their value pattern are extremely difference. This study provides a new perspective to solute the dilemma of Taiwan’s tourist industry; based on the TRIZ of engineering, this study utilize a TRIZ-based method to examine the evolution trajectory of tourist industry. Then, this work yields serval innovative solution for tourism. These systematic solutions are easily to practice for firms and authorities. The aims of this study are empirically investigating the evolution trajectory of tourist industry and market trend, to strategize a new business pattern for firms, and applying cross-domain method to explore tourist industry for in-novate business model. The results of this study provide the management implications for firms and policy makers.
